Protecting your iPad with free cool wallpaper art

Until Apple rolls out their new ‘self mending’ metal, placing your iPad on the table or in/out of a bag will still result in little scratches on the back surface.

We had mentioned a variety of cases used by folks here but more times than not people just put a vinyl skin on the back. At first, they were family pictures or default images that looked very low resolution.

Recently, the images have started to become more unique to people and packing more of a punch. It was a silly simple solution that went right past many of us. Use the free ‘wallpaper’ art that is available all over the Internet for the vinyl art!

As a reminder, here is a couple sites (“35 High Definition iPad Wallpapers For A Great Experience” and “88 Magnificient iPad Wallpapers“) that provide art you can download to use to change the iPad’s background image. Most of these are high enough resolution that you can use with services like UniqueSkins or SkinIt… both services allow you to upload an image that they will print for you to stick on the back of your iPad. Both offer pretty high quality printing and the materials protect your iPad investment’s back nicely. Also, they come off without leaving anything behind so you can change when you want to without a lot of ‘cleanup’ effort.

Examples of images you might find and use (these are low resolution screen shots, got to the above sites for full resolution)

This is what the tools look like for creating a vinyl skin, just upload one of the images (size and move as needed), then they will print for you.

The two providers we mentioned:

iPad Skins

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