Adding drawings to iPad notes and tasks now possible with update

Sometimes, on the surface, an update seems like a simple new feature. But, it’s those little things that will put a app from the third launcher screen to the front ‘most used’.

Awesome Note HD (also does tasks and diaries) was updated this last week. The changes escaped most of us, just another app getting updated. Going back over the last updates, a feature stands out… the ability to add a drawing to a Note or Task. It seems like such a simple thing but most apps do either hand drawings or typing. Or, they have it all on one page, which works good for work notes but not so well for dividing information in a single view. Awesome Note accomplishes pulling multiple types of information into a single view for quicker reference.

We wont go into all the standard features of Awesome Note, leave it to being an app for creating and managing notes and tasks… landscape and portrait views. A single app to manage notes/tasks through folders and calendar views.

The updates list for Awesome Note HD is more than drawings being able to be inserted into notes:

What’s New in Version 2.2 of Awesome Note HD:

– Attach Drawing
– Select Sheet in Drawing
– Draw on Location
– Enhanced Quick Memo Drawing
– Alarm Overdue To-dos everyday
– Set default alarm sound
– Location & Drawing Sync added
– Wider Note Edit Screen / Enhanced UI

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